Episodes Current – 101

Here are the notes for our shows.

Don’t read these if you haven’t listened to the podcast yet!

All links lead to either IMDB or Wikipedia unless otherwise notified.

Episode 114A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Thor 2: The Dark World
Simon – 5/10
Ash – 2/10

Top 5 Films Based on Comics


5. The Mask (Dir. Chuck Russell, 1994)
4. Persepolis (Dir. Marjane Satrapi & Vincent Paronnaud, 2007)
3. Shogun Assassin (Dir. Robert Houston, 1980)
2. My Neighbors the Yamadas (Dir. Isao Takahata, 1999)
1. The Dark Knight (Dir. Christopher Nolan, 2008)


5. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Dir. Edgar Wright, 2010)
4. The Dark Knight (Dir. Christopher Nolan, 2008)
3. My Neighbors the Yamadas (Dir. Isao Takahata, 1999)
2. Oldboy (Dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
1. Ghost World (Dir. Terry Zwigoff, 2001)

Episode 114B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Arcade Fire – Reflektor
Simon – 4/5
Ash – 4/5

Tracks Played: Arcade Fire – “Normal Person” & “Afterlife”

Top 5 Double Albums


5. Stevie Wonder – Songs in the Key of Life (1976)
4. Prince – Sign “☮” the Times (1987)
3. Miles Davis – Bitches Brew (1970)
2. Can – Tago Mago (1971)
1. The Rolling Stones – Exile on Main St. (1972)


5. The Beatles – The Beatles (1968)
4. Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven (2000)
3. The Clash – London Calling (1979)
2. Can – Tago Mago (1971)
1. Bob Dylan – Blonde on Blonde (1966)

Episode 113A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Captain Phillips
Simon – 7/10
Ash – 8/10

Top 5 Floating Films


5. Leviathan (Dir. Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Verena Paravel, 2012)
4. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (Dir. Werner Herzog, 1972)
3. Apocalypse Now (Dir. Francis Ford Coppola, 1979)
2. All is Lost (Dir. J.C. Chandor, 2013)
1. Knife in the Water (Dir. Roman Polanski, 1962)


5. Lifeboat (Dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1944)
4. Battleship Potemkin (Dir. Sergei Eisenstein, 1925)
3. The Navigator (Dir. Buster Keaton & Donald Crisp, 1924)
2. Knife in the Water (Dir. Roman Polanski, 1962)
1. Leviathan (Dir. Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Verena Paravel, 2012)

Episode 113B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Omar Souleyman – Wenu Wenu
Simon – 3.5/5
Ash – 2.5/5

Tracks Played – Omar Souleyman – “Wenu Wenu” & “Khattabah”

Top 5 East Meets West Songs


5. Shpongle – Star Shpongled Banner (Tales of the Inexpressible, 2001)
4. Mr. Bungle – Ars Moriendi (California, 1999)
3. Electric Masada – Karaim (At the Mountains of Madness, 2005)
2. Dick Dale and his Del-Tones – Miserlou (Single, 1962)
1. The Beatles – Within You Without You (Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967)


5. Gorillaz – White Flag (Plastic Beach, 2010)
4. GZA – Liquid Swords (Liquid Swords, 1995)
3. The Flaming Lips – Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1 & 2 (Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, 2002)
2. My Bloody Valentine – Swallow (Tremolo EP, 1991)
1. The Beatles – Within You Without You (Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967)

Episode 112A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Simon – 8/10
Ash – 8/10
Bradley – 7/10

Top 5 Prison Films


5. Caesar Must Die (Dir. Paolo & Vittoria Taviani, 2012)
4. Hunger (Dir. Steve McQueen, 2008)
3. Le Trou (The Hole) (Dir. Jacques Becker, 1960)
2. A Prophet (Dir. Jacques Audiard, 2009)
1. Cool Hand Luke (Dir. Stuart Rosenberg, 1967)


5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Dir. Milos Foreman, 1975)
4. Natural Born Killers (Dir. Oliver Stone, 1994)
3. A Man Escaped (Dir. Robert Bresson, 1956)
2. Hunger (Dir. Steve McQueen, 2008)
1. The Great Escape (Dir. John Sturges, 1963)


5. The Shawshank Redemption (Dir. Frank Darabont, 1994)
4. Cool Hand Luke (Dir. Stuart Rosenberg, 1967)
3. The Great Escape (Dir. John Sturges, 1963)
2. A Prophet (Dir. Jacques Audiard, 2009)
1. Hunger (Dir. Steve McQueen, 2008)

Episode 112B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Tim Hecker – Virgins
Simon – 4.5/5
Ash – 4.5/5
Bradley – 4/5

Tracks Played – Tim Hecker – “Live Room” & “Stigmata I”

Top 5 Canadian Albums


5. The Arcade Fire – Neon Bible (2007)
4. Leonard Cohen – Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967)
3. Strapping Young Lad – City (1997)
2. The Band – Music From the Big Pink (1968)
1. Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! (2000)


5. Leonard Cohen – Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967)
4. Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! (2000)
3. The Arcade Fire – Funeral (2004)
2. The Band – Music From the Big Pink (1968)
1. Neil Young – Harvest (1972)


5. Devin Townsend – Ziltoid the Omniscient (2007)
4. Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven! (2000)
3. The Arcade Fire – Funeral (2004)
2. Leonard Cohen – Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967)
1. Neil Young – Harvest (1972)

Episode 111A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

The Family
Simon – 5/10
Ash – 3/10

Top 5 Movie Families


5. The Hirayamas from Tokyo Story (Dir. Yasujiro Ozu, 1953)
4. The Buckmans from Parenthood (Dir. Ron Howard, 1989)
3. The Tenenbaums from The Royal Tenenbaums (Dir. Wes Anderson, 2001)
2. The O’Briens from The Tree of Life (Dir. Terrence Malick, 2011)
1. The Corleones from The Godfather Trilogy (Dir. Francis Ford Coppola)


5. The Xs from Eraserhead (Dir. David Lynch, 1977)
4. The family in Hannah and Her Sisters (Dir. Woody Allen, 1986)
3. The family in Dogtooth (Dir. Giorgos Lanthimos, 2009)
2. The O’Briens from The Tree of Life (Dir. Terrence Malick, 2011)
1. The Corleones from The Godfather Trilogy (Dir. Francis Ford Coppola)

Episode 111B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Danny Brown – Old
Simon – 4.5/5
Ash – 4.5/5

Tracks Played – Danny Brown – “The Return” & “Handstand”

Top 5 Music Videos


5. The Pharcyde – Drop (Dir. Spike Jonze, 1996)
4. OutKast – Hey Ya (Dir. Bryan Barbar, 2003)
3. Tool – Parabola (Dir. Adam Jones, 2002)
2. Talking Heads – Burning Down the House (Dir. David Byrne, 1983)
1. Aphex Twin – Windowlicker (Dir. Chris Cunningham, 1999)


5. Radiohead – Just (Dir. Jamie Thraves, 1995)
4. The Smashing Pumpkins – 1979 (Dir. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, 1996)
3. Fatboy Slim – Praise You (Dir. Spike Jonze, 1999)
2. Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights (1978)
1. Talking Heads – Once In a Lifetime (Dir. David Byrne, 1981)

Episode 110A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Simon – 9/10
Ash – 9/10

Top 5 Long Takes


5. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days – Discarding of the Evidence Scene (Dir. Cristian Mungiu, 2007)
4. Hunger – Bobby Sands and Father Dominic Moran’s Discussion (Dir. Steve McQueen, 2008)
3. Oldboy – Hallway fight Scene (Dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
2. Touch of Evil – Opening Scene (Dir. Orson Welles, 1958)
1. Goodfellas – Copacabana Scene (Dir. Martin Scorsese, 1990)


5. Oldboy – Hallway fight Scene (Dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
4. Boogie Nights – Pool Party Scene (Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997)
3. Goodfellas – Copacabana Scene (Dir. Martin Scorsese, 1990)
2. Rope – Every Scene (Dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1948)
1. Hunger – Bobby Sands and Father Dominic Moran’s Discussion (Dir. Steve McQueen, 2008)

Episode 110B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Matana Roberts – Coin Coin Chapter Two: Mississippi Moonchile
Simon – 4/5
Ash – 4/5

Tracks Played – Matana Roberts – “Invocation” & “Amma Jerusalem School”

Top 5 Jazz Albums


5. Pharoah Sanders – Karma (1969)
4. John Coltrane – Ascension (1966)
3. Charles Mingus – The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady (1963)
2. Miles Davis – Jack Johnson (1971)
1. Ornette Coleman – The Shape of Jazz to Come (1959)


5. The Dave Brubeck Quartet – Time Out (1959)
4. Herbie Hancock – Head Hunters (1973)
3. John Coltrane – A Love Supreme (1965)
2. Miles Davis – Kind of Blue (1959)
1. Miles Davis – In A Silent Way (1969)

Episode 109A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Simon – 5/10
Ash – 3/10
Bradley – 5/10

Stories We Tell
Simon – 8/10
Ash – 8/10
Bradley – 8/10

Episode 109B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Haim – Days Are Gone
Simon – 4/5
Ash – 2.5/5
Bradley – 3.5/5

Tracks Played – Haim – “Forever” & “My Song 5”

Top 5 Women in Music


5. Julie Christmas (Also a member of Battle of Mice, Made Out of Babies and Spylacopa)
4. Hiromi Uehara
3. Beth Gibbons (Member of Portishead)
2. Aretha Franklin
1. Björk


5. PJ Harvey
4. Patti Smith
3. Kate Bush
2. Kim Gordon (Member of Sonic Youth)
1. Björk


5. Kate Bush
4. The Ronettes
3. Regina Spektor
2. Aretha Franklin
1. Laura Jane Grace (Member of Against Me!)

Episode 108A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Blue Jasmine
Simon – 7/10
Ash – 8/10

Top 5 Woody Allen Films


5. Zelig (1983)
4. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
3. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
2. Annie Hall (1977)
1. Crimes and Misdemeanours (1989)


5. Midnight in Paris (2011)
4. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
3. Manhattan (1979)
2. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
1. Annie Hall (1977)

Episode 108B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Simon – 2.5/5
Ash – 2.5/5

Elvis Costello & The Roots – Wise Up Ghost
Simon – 3.5/5
Ash – 3.5/5

Episode 107A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

White House Down
Simon – 4.5/10
Brad – 8/10

Top 5 Films with a Colour in the Title


5. Pink Flamingos (Dir. John Waters, 1972)
4. Jackie Brown (Dir. Quentin Tarantino, 1997)
3. Velvet Goldmine (Dir. Todd Haynes, 1998)
2. The Thin Red Line (Dir. Terrence Malick, 1998)
1. Blue Velvet (Dir. David Lynch, 1986)


5. Green for Danger (Dir. Sidney Gilliat, 1946)
4. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs (Dir. William Cottrell, et al., 1937)
3. The Thin Red Line (Dir. Terrence Malick, 1998)
2. A Clockwork Orange (Dir. Stanley Kubrick, 1971)
1. Blue Velvet (Dir. David Lynch, 1986)

Episode 107B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Janelle Monáe – The Electric Lady
Simon – 4/5
Brad – 4/5

Tracks Played – Janelle Monáe – “We Were Like Rock n’ Roll” & “PrimeTime”

The Weeknd – Kiss Land
Simon – 3/5
Brad – 1/5

Track Played – The Weeknd – “Professional”

Episode 106A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Simon – 7.5/10
Ash – 6/10

Top 5 Hollywood Emigrants


5. Milos Foreman
4. Douglas Sirk
3. Sergio Leone
2. Roman Polanski
1. Billy Wilder


5. Roman Polanski
4. Fritz Lang
3. Billy Wilder
2. F.W. Murnau
1. Alfred Hitchcock

Episode 106B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Nine Inch Nails – Hesitation Marks
Simon – 1.5/5
Ash – 1.5/5

Tracks Played – Nine Inch Nails – “Came Back Haunted” & “Copy of A”

Top 5 Front Men


5. Michael Gira from Swans
4. King Buzzo from Melvins
3. David Byrne from Talking Heads
2. George Clinton from Funkadelic/Parliament
1. Iggy Pop from The Stooges


5. David Byrne from Talking Heads
4. Ian Curtis from Joy Division
3. Thom Yorke from Radiohead
2. Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones
1. Iggy Pop from The Stooges

Episode 105A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Kick-Ass 2
Simon – 2.5/10
Ash – 2/10

Upstream Color
Simon – 9/10
Ash – 9/10

Episode 105B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Ulver – Messe I.X. – VI.X.
Simon – 4/5
Ash – 3/5

Tracks Played – Ulver – “Son of Man” & “Shri Schneider”

Top 5 Musical Metamorphoses


5. Kraftwerk from Ralf und Florian (1973) to Autobahn (1974)
4. Muddy Waters from Brass and the Blues (1966) to Electric Mud (1968)
3. Talk Talk from Colour of Spring (1986) to Spirit of Eden (1988)
2. The Smashing Pumpkins from Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness (1995) to Adore (1998)
1. Radiohead from OK Computer (1997) to Kid A (2000)


5. These New Puritans from Beat Pyramid (2008) to Hidden (2010)
4. Deerhunter from Turn It Up Faggot (2005) to Cryptograms (2007)
3. The Horrors from Strange House (2007) to Primary Colours (2009)
2. Radiohead from The Bends (1995) to OK Computer (1997)
1. Bob Dylan from Another Side of Bob Dylan (1964) to Bringing it All Back Home (1965)

Episode 104A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Simon – 5.5/10
Ash – 4/10

Top 5 Visions of the Future


5. Idiocracy (Dir. Mike Judge, 2006)
4. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 1984)
3. Gattaca (Dir. Andrew Niccol, 1997)
2. Blade Runner (Dir. Ridley Scott, 1982)
1. Back to the Future Part II (Dir. Robert Zemeckis, 1989)


5. Eraserhead (Dir. David Lynch, 1977)
4. Brazil (Dir. Terry Gilliam, 1985)
3. Wall-E (Dir. Andrew Stanton, 2008)
2. Metropolis (Dir. Rintaro, 2001)
1. Metropolis (Dir. Fritz Lang, 1927)

Episode 104B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Ty Segall – Sleeper
Simon – 3/5
Ash – 3.5/5

Tracks Played: Ty Segall – “The Man Man” & “Sleeper”

Top 5 Tribute Songs


5. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth – They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.) (Mecca and the Soul Brother, 1992)
4. Mastodon – The Sparrow (The Hunter, 2011)
3. William Bell – A Tribute to a King (Single, 1968)
2. Neil Young – Tonight’s the Night (Tonight’s the Night, 1975)
1. Deerhunter – He Would Have Laughed (Halcyon Digest, 2010)


5. The Beatles – Julia (The Beatles, 1968)
4. LCD Soundsystem – Someone Great (Sound of Silver, 2007)
3. Neil Young – Tonight’s the Night (Tonight’s the Night, 1975)
2. R.E.M. – Man on the Moon (Automatic for the People, 1992)
1. Deerhunter – He Would Have Laughed (Halcyon Digest, 2010)

The 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival Podcast Wrap-Up:

Top 10 MIFF 2013 Films:


10. Museum Hours (Dir. Jem Cohen, 2012)
9. The Congress (Dir. Ari Folman, 2013)
8. Child’s Pose (Dir. Calin Peter Netzer, 2013)
7. Stranger by the Lake (Dir. Alain Guiraudie, 2013)
6. A Touch of Sin (Dir. Jia Zhangke, 2013)
5. Frances Ha (Dir. Noah Baumbach, 2012)
4. All is Lost (Dir. J.C. Chandor, 2013)
3. A Hijacking (Dir. Tobias Lindholm, 2012)
2. Closed Curtain (Dir. Jafar Panahi & Kambuzia Partovi, 2013)
1. The Act of Killing (Dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012)


10. Ilo Ilo (Dir. Anthony Chen, 2013)
9. Marvin, Seth & Stanley (Dir. Stephen Gurewitz, 2013)
8. A Touch of Sin (Dir. Jia Zhangke, 2013)
7. A Hijacking (Dir. Tobias Lindholm, 2012)
6. Magic Magic (Dir. Sebastián Silva, 2013)
5. Computer Chess (Dir. Andrew Bujalski, 2013)
4. The Act of Killing (Dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012)
3. Leviathan (Dir. Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Verena Paravel, 2012)
2. differently, Molussia (Dir. Nicolas Rey, 2012)
1. Frances Ha (Dir. Noah Baumbach, 2012)


10. 20 Feet From Stardom (Dir. Morgan Neville, 2013)
9. Computer Chess (Dir. Andrew Bujalski, 2013)
8. Closed Curtain (Dir. Jafar Panahi & Kambuzia Partovi, 2013)
7. Good Vibrations (Dir. Lisa Barros D’Sa & Glenn Leyburn, 2012)
6. Drinking Buddies (Dir. Joe Swanberg, 2013)
5. Fruitvale Station (Dir. Ryan Coogler, 2013)
4. The Spectacular Now (Dir. James Ponsoldt, 2013)
3. Stories We Tell (Dir. Sarah Polley, 2012)
2. In a World… (Dir. Lake Bell, 2013)
1. Frances Ha (Dir. Noah Baumbach, 2012)

Tracks Played:

Television – “Torn Curtain” (Marquee Moon, 1977)
David Bowie – “Modern Love” (Let’s Dance, 1983)
Axiom – A Little Ray of Sunshine (Fool’s Gold, 1970)

Episode 103A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Before Midnight
Simon – 6.5/10
Ash – 9/10
Brad – 8/10

Only God Forgives
Simon – 8/10
Ash – 9/10
Brad – 9/10

Episode 103B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Fuck Buttons – Slow Focus
Simon – 3.5/5
Ash – 4.5/5
Brad – 4/5

Tracks Played – Fuck Buttons – “Sentients” & “Stalker”

Top 5 Albums of 1985


5. Hüsker Dü – New Day Rising
4. Einstürzende Neubauten – ½ Mensch
3. The Fall – This Nation’s Saving Grace
2. The Cure – The Head on the Door
1. Tom Waits – Rain Dogs


5. Talking Heads – Little Creatures
4. Kate Bush – Hounds of Love
3. Sonic Youth – Bad Moon Rising
2. The Smiths – Meat is Murder
1. Jesus and Mary Chain – Psychocandy


5. Hüsker Dü – New Day Rising
4. Frank Zappa – Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention
3. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – The Firstborn is Dead
2. Kate Bush – Hounds of Love
1. The Smiths – Meat is Murder

Episode 102A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

Pacific Rim
Simon – 8.5/10
Ash – 5/10
Brad – 5/10

Top 5 Monster Movies


5. The Descent (Dir. Neil Marshall, 2005)
4. Frankenstein (Dir. James Whale, 1931)
3. The Host (Dir. Bong Joon-Ho, 2006)
2. Gremlins (Dir. Joe Dante, 1984)
1. The Fly (Dir. David Cronenberg, 1986)


5. The Fly (Dir. David Cronenberg, 1986)
4. Godzilla (Dir. Ishirô Honda, 1954)
3. Frankenstein (Dir. James Whale, 1931)
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (Dir. Wes Craven, 1984)
1. Nosferatu (Dir. F.W. Murnau, 1922)


5. Cloverfield (Dir. Matt Reeves, 2008)
4. Jurassic Park (Dir. Steven Spielberg, 1993)
3. The Host (Dir. Bong Joon-Ho, 2006)
2. Jaws (Dir. Steven Spielberg, 1975)
1. Godzilla (Dir. Ishirô Honda, 1954)

Episode 102B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

David Lynch – The Big Dream
Simon – 2.5/5
Ash – 2.5/5
Brad – 2/5

Tracks Played – David Lynch – “Sun Can’t Be Seen No More” & “Last Call”

Top 5 Cover Songs


5. Johnny Rotten (The Sex Pistols) – My Way (The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle, 1980) (Cover of a Frank Sinatra song)
4. The Beach Boys – Sloop John B (Pet Sounds, 1966) (Cover of a traditional West Indies folk song “The John B Sails”)
3. Santana – Black Magic Woman (Abraxas, 1971) (Cover of a Fleetwood Mac song)
2. Creedence Clearwater Revival – I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Cosmo’s Factory, 1970) (A cover of a Smokey Robinson & the Miracles song)
1. Jimi Hendrix – All Along the Watchtower (Electric Ladyland, 1968) (Cover of a Bob Dylan song)


5. Sonic Youth – Superstar (If I Were a Carpenter, 1994) (Cover of a Carpenters song)
4. The Byrds – It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue (Ballad of Easy Rider, 1969) (Cover of a Bob Dylan song)
3. Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah (Grace, 1994) (Cover of a Leonard Cohen song)
2. Creedence Clearwater Revival – I Heard It Through The Grapevine (Cosmo’s Factory, 1970) (A cover of a Smokey Robinson & the Miracles song)
1. Patti Smith – Gloria (Horses, 1975) (Cover of a Van Morrison song)


5. My Chemical Romance and The Used – Under Pressure (Tsunami Relief track, 2005) (Cover of a David Bowie and Queen song)
4. Denis Lavant? – Let My Baby Ride (Holy Motors Soundtrack, 2012) (Cover of an R.L. Burnside song)
3. Johnny Cash – Hurt (American Recordings IV: The Man Comes Around, 2002) (Cover of a Nine Inch Nails song)
2. John Cale – Hallelujah (I’m Your Fan, 1991) (Cover of a Leonard Cohen song)
1. Aretha Franklin – Respect (I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You, 1967) (Cover of an Otis Redding Song)

Episode 101A (Stop Worrying and Love This Podcast):

The Lone Ranger
Simon – 4.5/10
Ash – 2/10

Top 5 Movie Buddies


5. Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber (Dir. Peter Farrelly, 1994)
4. Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings (Dir. Peter Jackson, Various Years)
3. Ratso Rizzo and Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy (Dir. John Schlesinger, 1969)
2. Jeffery “The Dude” Lebowski and Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski (Dir. Joel Coen, 1998)
1. Henry Gondorff and Johnny Hooker from The Sting (Dir. George Roy Hill, 1973)


5. Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar from Wayne’s World (Dir. Penelope Spheeris, 1992)
4. Captain America and Billy the Kid from Easy Rider (Dir. Dennis Hopper, 1969)
3. Joe and Jerry from Some Like it Hot (Dir. Billy Wilder, 1959)
2. Shaun and Ed from Shaun of the Dead (Dir. Edgar Wright, 2004)
1. Woody and Buzz from Toy Story (Dir. John Lasseter, 1995)

Episode 101B (This Podcast is Playing at Your House):

Jay-Z – Magna Carta Holy Grail
Simon – 2/5
Ash – 2/5

Tracks Played: Jay-Z – “Nickels and Dimes” & “Tom Ford”

Top 5 Guest Appearances on a Song


5. Tom Waits on Primus’ “Tommy the Cat” (Sailing the Seas of Cheese, 1991)
4. Busta Rhymes on A Tribe Called Quest’s “Scenario” (The Low End Theory, 1991)
3. Billy Preston on The Beatles’ “Get Back” (Let It Be, 1970)
2. Merry Clayton on The Rolling Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” (Let It Bleed, 1969)
1. AZ (and Olu Dara) on Nas’ “Life’s a Bitch” (Illmatic, 1994)


5. Justin Vernon on Kanye West’s “Monster” (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, 2010)
4. Clare Torry on Pink Floyd’s “The Great Gig in the Sky” (The Dark Side of the Moon, 1973)
3. Elizabeth Fraser on Massive Attack’s “Teardrop” (Mezzanine, 1998)
2. Eric Clapton on The Beatles’ “While My Guitar Gentle Weeps” (The Beatles, 1968)
1. Johnny Cash on Bob Dylan’s “The Girl from the North Country” (Nashville Skyline, 1969)

26 responses to “Episodes Current – 101

  1. Pingback: Episode 101A: “The Lone Ranger” & Top 5 Movie Buddies | The Last Podcast Show·

  2. Pingback: Episode 101B: “Magna Carta Holy Grail” & Top 5 Guest Appearances on a Song | The Last Podcast Show·

  3. Pingback: Episode 102A: “Pacific Rim” & Top 5 Monster Movies | The Last Podcast Show·

  4. Pingback: Episode 102B: “The Big Dream” & Top 5 Cover Songs | The Last Podcast Show·

  5. Pingback: Episode 103A: “Before Midnight” & “Only God Forgives” | The Last Podcast Show·

  6. Pingback: Episode 103B: “Slow Focus” & Top 5 Albums of 1985 | The Last Podcast Show·

  7. Pingback: The 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival Podcast Wrap-Up | The Last Podcast Show·

  8. Pingback: Episode 104A: “Elysium” & Top 5 Visions of the Future | The Last Podcast Show·

  9. Pingback: Episode 104B: “Sleeper” & Top 5 Tribute Songs | The Last Podcast Show·

  10. Pingback: Episode 105A: “Kick-Ass 2″ & “Upstream Color” | The Last Podcast Show·

  11. Pingback: Episode 105B: “Messe I.X. – VI.X.” & Top 5 Musical Metamorphoses | The Last Podcast Show·

  12. Pingback: Episode 106A: “Stoker” & Top 5 Hollywood Emigrants | The Last Podcast Show·

  13. Pingback: Episode 106B: “Hesitation Marks” & Top 5 Front Men | The Last Podcast Show·

  14. Pingback: Episode 107A: “White House Down” & Top 5 Films With a Colour in the Title | The Last Podcast Show·

  15. Pingback: Episode 107B: “The Electric Lady” & “Kiss Land” | The Last Podcast Show·

  16. Pingback: Episode 108A: Blue Jasmine & Top 5 Woody Allen Films | The Last Podcast Show·

  17. Pingback: Episode 108B: MGMT & Wise Up Ghost | The Last Podcast Show·

  18. Pingback: Episode 109A: Lovelace & Stories We Tell | The Last Podcast Show·

  19. Pingback: Episode 109B: Days Are Gone & Top 5 Women in Music | The Last Podcast Show·

  20. Pingback: Episode 110A: Gravity & Top 5 Long Takes | The Last Podcast Show·

  21. Pingback: Episode 110B: Coin Coin Chapter Two: Mississippi Moonchile & Top 5 Jazz Albums | The Last Podcast Show·

  22. Pingback: Episode 111A: The Family & Top 5 Movie Families | The Last Podcast Show·

  23. Pingback: Episode 111B: Old & Top 5 Music Videos | The Last Podcast Show·

  24. Pingback: Episode 114B: Reflektor & Top 5 Double Albums | The Last Podcast Show·

  25. Pingback: Episode 113A: Captain Phillips & Top 5 Floating Films | The Last Podcast Show·

  26. Pingback: Episode 113B: Wenu Wenu & Top 5 East Meets West Songs | The Last Podcast Show·

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