
Simon Di Berardino is yet another hopeless cinephile, forever chasing that next life changing film. As well as the cinema, Simon is a self-obsessed music addict, his ears always being within close proximity to speakers of any kind. He founded the Podcast and criticism website The Last Podcast Show in 2011 and continues to attempt some semblance of critical engagement with the silver screen to this very day. He is a member of the Australian Film Critics Association and is also currently completing a MA in Arts and Cultural Management at Melbourne University.  His favourite films include 8 ½, Badlands, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Sans Soleil, Chungking Express and Network. His favourite genres of music are Hip Hop, Metal (Black and Death mostly), Electronic, Pop, Funk and Soul. Actually, most genres. You can find his ramblings on Twitter over at @LastPodcastShow.

Ash Beks is a self-inflicted film and music junkie. Using this addiction to his advantage, he is the co-host of The Last Podcast Show with Simon Di Berardino. Every week, the pair challenge themselves to discuss at great length the best (and worst) music and cinema that week has to offer, compiling lists to coincide with one of the discussed releases. He is a member of The Australian Film Critics Association and in his spare time he plays music in a local psychedelic band. His favourite films are Perfect Blue, The Shining, Eraserhead and  Annie Hall and his favourite directors are Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, F.W. Murnau, Woody Allen and Charlie Chaplin.

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