Top Films of 2012

Tracks Played:

Steppenwolf – The Pusher (Steppenwolf, 1968)
The Four Tops – Reach Out I’ll Be There (Reach Out, 1967)
Tim Buckley – Moulin Rouge (Starsailor, 1970)
Sam Cooke – Another Saturday Night (Ain’t That Good News, 1964)
Bobby “Boris” Pickett & the Crypt-Kickers – Monster Mash (The Original Monster Mash, 1962)
Charlie Chaplin – The Nonsense Song (From the film Modern Times, 1936)


20. The Muppets (Dir. James Bobin)
19. Looper (Dir. Rian Johnson)
18. Tyrannosaur (Dir. Paddy Considine)
17. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Dir. Peter Jackson)
16. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Dir. Stephen Chbosky)
15. The Avengers (Dir. Joss Whedon)
14. Arrietty (Dir. Hiromasa Yonebayashi)
13. The Raid (Dir. Gareth Evans)
12. Moonrise Kingdom (Dir. Wes Anderson)
11. Le Havre (Dir. Aki Kaurismäki)
10. The Cabin in the Woods (Dir. Drew Goddard)
9. A Dangerous Method (Dir. David Cronenberg)
8. The Dark Knight Rises (Dir. Christopher Nolan)
7. The Artist (Dir. Michel Hazanavicius)
6. A Separation (Dir. Asghar Farhadi)
5. This is Not a Film (Dir. Jafar Panahi)
4. Shame (Dir. Steve McQueen)
3. Holy Motors (Dir. Leos Carax)
2. Hugo (Dir. Martin Scorsese)
1. The Master (Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)


20. A Separation (Dir. Asghar Farhadi)
19. Carnage (Dir. Roman Polanski)
18. This is Not a Film (Dir. Jafar Panahi)
17. The Avengers (Dir. Joss Whedon)
16. Arrietty (Dir. Hiromasa Yonebayashi)
15. 50/50 (Dir. Jonathan Levine)
14. Margaret (Dir. Kenneth Lonergan)
13. Lore (Dir. Cate Shortland)
12. Le Havre (Dir. Aki Kaurismäki)
11. The Cabin in the Woods (Dir. Drew Goddard)
10. Damsels in Distress (Dir. Whit Stillman)
9. Wolf Children (Dir. Mamoru Hosada)
8. Weekend (Dir. Andrew Haigh)
7. Hugo (Dir. Martin Scorsese)
6. Shame (Dir. Steve McQueen)
5. Hail (Dir. Amiel Courtin-Wilson)
4. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Dir. Nuri Bilge Ceylan)
3. The Master (Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
2. Holy Motors (Dir. Leos Carax)
1. Cosmopolis (Dir. David Cronenberg)


20. Guilty of Romance (Dir. Shion Sono)
19. Berberian Sound Studio (Dir. Peter Strickland)
18. Woody Allen: A Documentary (Dir. Robert B. Weide)
17. Lovely Molly (Dir. Eduardo Sánchez)
16. Martha Marcy May Marlene (Dir. Sean Durkin)
15. The Innkeepers (Dir. Ti West)
14. 50/50 (Dir. Jonathan Levine)
13. The Artist (Dir. Michel Hazanavicius)
12. The Master (Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
11. Le Havre (Dir. Aki Kaurismäki)
10. Beyond the Black Rainbow (Dir. Panos Cosmatos)
9. The Muppets (Dir. James Bobin)
8. Holy Motors (Dir. Leos Carax)
7. Hail (Dir. Amiel Courtin-Wilson)
6. A Separation (Dir. Asghar Farhadi)
5. The Cabin in the Woods (Dir. Drew Goddard)
4. Lore (Dir. Cate Shortland)
3. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Dir. Nuri Bilge Ceylan)
2. Shame (Dir. Steve McQueen)
1. Hugo (Dir. Martin Scorsese)

You can find Ash Beks’ writings/musings over at Psychedelic Nightmare or follow him on Twitter @ashbeks

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