Top Films of 2011

Tracks Played:

Bob Dylan – Ballad of a Thin Man (Highway 61 Revisited, 1965)
The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter (Let it Bleed, 1969)
Sufjan Stevens – John Wayne Gacy Jr. (Illinois, 2005)
Tom Waits – Goin’ Out West (Bone Machine, 1992)


20. The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (Dir: Steven Spielberg)
19. Tiny Furniture (Dir. Lena Dunham)
18. The Guard (Dir. John Michael McDonagh)
17. Into Eternity (Dir. Michael Madsen)
16. Of Gods and Men (Dir. Xavier Beauvois)
15. The Ides of March (Dir. George Clooney)
14. The Tree of Life (Dir. Terrence Malick)
13. The Hunter (Dir. Daniel Nettheim)
12. The Trip (Dir. Michael Winterbottom)
11. Submarine (Dir. Richard Ayoade)
10. True Grit (Dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
9. Jane Eyre (Dir. Cary Fukunaga)
8. Senna (Dir. Asif Kapadia)
7. Meek’s Cutoff (Dir. Kelly Reichardt)
6. Snowtown (Dir. Justin Kurzel)
5. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Dir. Werner Herzog)
4. Midnight in Paris (Dir. Woody Allen)
3. Melancholia (Dir. Lars von Trier)
2. Drive (Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn)
1. 13 Assassins (Dir. Takashi Miike)


20. Red State (Dir. Kevin Smith)
19. Rango (Dir. Gore Verbinski)
18. Black Swan (Dir. Darren Aronofsky)
17. Burning Man (Dir. Jonathan Teplitzky)
16. Tabloid (Dir. Errol Morris)
15. Take Shelter (Dir. Jeff Nichols)
14. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Dir. Werner Herzog)
13. Another Year (Dir. Mike Leigh)
12. How I Ended this Summer (Dir. Aleksey Popogrebskiy)
11. The Yellow Sea (Dir. Hong-jin Na)
10. Senna (Dir. Asif Kapadia)
9. True Grit (Dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
8. 13 Assassins (Dir. Takashi Miike)
7. Melancholia (Dir. Lars von Trier)
6. The Skin I Live In (Dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
5. Midnight in Paris (Dir. Woody Allen)
4. Certified Copy (Dir. Abbas Kiarostami)
3. Drive (Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn)
2. Meek’s Cutoff (Dir. Kelly Reichardt)
1. The Tree of Life (Dir. Terrence Malick)


20. The Round Up (Dir. Rose Bosch)
19. Moneyball (Dir. Bennett Miller)
18. The Trip (Dir. Michael Winterbottom)
17. Red State (Dir. Kevin Smith)
16. The Tree of Life (Dir. Terrence Malick)
15. The Ides of March (Dir. George Clooney)
14. Snowtown (Dir. Justin Kurzel)
13. The Guard (Dir. John Michael McDonagh)
12. Midnight in Paris (Dir. Woody Allen)
11. Take Shelter (Dir. Jeff Nichols)
10. Bridesmaids (Dir. Paul Feig)
9. The Skin I Live In (Dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
8. Burning Man (Dir. Jonathan Teplitzky)
7. Catfish (Dir. Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman)
6. The Yellow Sea (Dir. Hong-jin Na)
5. Face to Face (Dir. Michael Rymer)
4. Black Swan (Dir. Darren Aronofsky)
3. Melancholia (Dir. Lars von Trier)
2. Senna (Dir. Asif Kapadia)
1. Drive (Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn)

You can find Brad Dixon’s writings/musings over at Cinema Quest or follow him on Twitter @cinema_quest

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