The 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival Podcast Wrap-Up

Well everybody, we are back. After taking three weeks of (unpaid) leave to attend the 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival we have returned with films to champion and tales to tell. This week on this very special Podcast episode we are joined again by Bradley J. Dixon to recap our experiences of MIFF 2013 and count down our Top 10 Films of the Festival. Even if you didn’t get to MIFF this year, this Podcast is a nice guide to what to keep your eye on in the coming cinematic months at your local theatre. If you did get to MIFF, what are you waiting for!? Have a listen and reminisce. Enjoy!

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Click here for the notes for the show. Spoilers ahead, only click here if you have already listened to the show!

6 responses to “The 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival Podcast Wrap-Up

  1. As much as I despised that opening theme, I enjoyed hearing the audio there. Oh the memories! I loved the 2012 ad. Missed plenty in all of your top 10’s, will definitely have to catch up on them over the next 6 months.

    Great to see The Congress sneak in to your top 10 Simon. I didn’t love it but I found it to be so unique and amazing at times as well.

    How emotional was Fruitvale Station Brad! Haha. I was a bit emotional too. Love it. Loved Spectacular Now as well. Have to say I relate to your list the most, felt a bit on the outer when you guys were saying it’s my loss about The Act of Killing! I did find it slow and boring indeed by the end. πŸ™‚

    My 10 are below, did many of you see Call Girl, These Final Hours or Wadjda. Sorry if you mentioned it, I skipped around a little!

    10. Drinking Buddies
    9. The Rocket
    8. Stories We Tell
    7. Stoker
    6. Dirty Wars
    5. The Spectacular Now
    4. Wadjda
    3. Call Girl
    2. These Final Hours
    1. Fruitvale Station

    Great festival, agreed. Only my 2nd MIFF but better than 2012 I think.

  2. Hey Alex, thanks for the comment!

    Once you aren’t actually forced to listen to the ad over and over it actually becomes kind of endearing in hindsight. Somehow… hehe. You aren’t the only one regarding The Act of Killing, it seems to be garnering a pretty strong reaction either way (hence my impassioned speech about it haha).

    Good Top 10 there man. Everything that I saw in your Top 10 I really enjoyed. Especially Drinking Buddies, The Rocket, Stories We Tell, The Spectacular Now and Wadjda. Still have to catch up with some others. Really need to see The Call Girl after you and some others were so impressed by it. I might need to make a list of missed MIFF films to keep an eye on or something haha.

    Cheers man, and it was good to catch up with you again! (This is Simon btw πŸ˜‰ ).

  3. Good job guys, I really wanted to see ‘The Act of Killing’ but had other plans when it was showing, 1:30pm on a Saturday for that film :/ Come on! I did really enjoy a lot of the American Independent stuff, all-in-all I had a great time with it! Thanks for re-playing that MIFF trailer again, I thought I had seen the last of it on Saturday … Clearly, it has haunted me again! Peace!

    • Yeah I know, the 1.30pm session was a bit rough, I had to catch the other one. You should definitely try and see it when you can though, it’s a pretty sobering films. I was totally worried about the American Indie stuff, but I didn’t dislike a single thing I saw in the program. Pretty rad. Glad you had a good time at the festival, part of me is sad to see it go so quickly.

  4. I didn’t mind the MIFF Trailer but I fear that all the movie buffs in Melbourne will all have cravings for Maltezers in the coming weeks.

    It was a great fest. Even though it is no longer plagued by film prints being stuck somewhere else in the world, we now suffer from digital files that won’t work (I had to abandon a screening of “What is this Film Called Love? after waiting for 35 mins!)

    Thanks for the wrap up. I’ve had to made a list of films to catch up on as I had only seen a couple of the ones you had mentioned (Computer Chess was brilliantly geeky).

    Keep up the good work guys!

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