Episode 1: “Never Let Me Go”, “Helplessness Blues” & Top 5 Films

Hey guys,

You have either been directed to or stumbled across ‘The Last Picture Show’ a podcast/blog extravaganza! As per our description, we are a couple o’ lads who love films and music and want to share our opinions and create a dialogue over this world wide web with other enthusiasts.

Every week (we hope) we will be putting up a podcast dedicated to discussing one new release film and one new release album and also a separate segment where we pick a topic and give our top 5 films or albums in that category. We will also be chucking up a bunch of writings of ours which can be commented on that perhaps wouldn’t normally make it to the podcast.

The idea is to get a listener feedback sort of deal going whereby we can get either comments or emails from you lovely folk and we will discuss it on our show. Sling us some criticism or bring us some love, any feedback will be appreciated.

Here is the first of what we hope will be many podcasts.

This week Adam and Simon will be discussing Mark Romenak’s new film “Never Let Me Go”, the second album from folk band Fleet Foxes “Helplessness Blues” and we will give our top 5 films that represent us and our tastes, just as an introduction.


Click play to stream the Podcast:

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Click here for the notes for the show. Spoilers ahead, only click here if you have already listened to the show!

NB: We apologise for the echo on some of the vocals, it is a problem we hope to rectify soon enough. Everything has hiccups initially…

One response to “Episode 1: “Never Let Me Go”, “Helplessness Blues” & Top 5 Films

  1. List idea for your next show: Top five John Cazale performances.Serious idea for your next show: overview/review of a recently released DVD/Blu-ray.

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